The Nutcracker is a classic story-telling ballet. Most people know the whimsical story of Clara and the journey she takes through her imagination. This year, Footnotes Studio of Dance is putting on this...
Elizabeth Blackwell was an amazing woman in history, who's not often recognized. She was the first female to receive a medical degree in the U.S. Today, I will be talking to you about her personal life...
In 1918 a terrible plague hit the U.S and killed nearly 50 million people. That was the Influenza Pandemic. Today I will be telling you about the symptoms, the history and current day treatments.
The MAHS Theatre Department said goodbye to the 2023 Theatre Class including Hannah Cegla and Makarian Schott. Congrats and best wishes to both of you! But behold everybody, the Tiger Summer Theatre Program...
Being a child of immigrants puts you in a very unique position. You learn how to navigate two cultures. In a way, you become a sort of bridge. Sometimes it can make you feel as if you’re not from there,...