With the Thanksgiving season just around the corner, we asked the students of Morris Area High School what they were thankful for through an online survey. Here are the results:
“Safety through this pandemic. We are all still learning and doing things we love,” says Jennie Odello (7th Grade).
“I am most thankful for my loving family and my amazing friends,” April Paul, a 9th grader, says.
“I am most thankful for my friends and family. They both care so much about me and they want the best for me. They are always looking out for me and are there when I need them.” Piper Swanson (9th Grade) said.
“There are so many things to be grateful for,” an anonymous said, “especially for everything we take for granted. I am most thankful for the time I am able to spend with my family and being able to sit down and have supper with them. I am thankful for having the opportunity to go to school, have meals each day, and have the things that I have. I’m thankful for the roof over my head and the bed I get to sleep in each night. For my dog and the people who take the time to talk with me each day. I’m also thankful for being able to be in the United States and have the privileges we all get to have. I’m thankful for the support I get from my family and being able to have the choice to choose my future.”
“I am thankful for the people who have helped me get this far and for the people who have stayed by my side when I lost the people who I thought would always be with me. I am thankful for my dad and stepmom. Without them, I don’t know what I would do or where I would be. I’m thankful for how far I have gotten myself,” another anonymous wrote.
Now is the time to be thankful for what we have and acknowledge the people who have helped us along the way. If you haven’t said thank you to someone you love in a while, do it now! Have a great November.