Every year when November 11th rolls around, we celebrate an incredibly significant federal holiday: Veteran’s Day. Veteran’s Day annually falls on November 11th to signify Armistice Day, or the day in which the armistice was signed to end the first World War malevolence between Germany and the Allies back in 1918. This was an important day in history, but it is only a small portion of what Veteran’s Day truly is. Veteran’s Day is a day where our nation comes together to show our appreciation for every man and woman that has served our country, as well as those who are still serving currently. The armed forces are a huge part of our everyday lives, though not many people realize it. The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard make up North America’s six military branches: and every branch of the military has an important role in keeping our nation safe from harm. Every soldier, past and present, deserves appreciation for their time in service. Many families are not together during this holiday, let alone others. Children await their parent’s return, spouses for their significant other, parents for their children. Living in uncertainty is a heavy burden to carry, wondering if your loved one is safe or if they will return home. Many soldiers return home, but countless do not. Those who do return aren’t always the same person as they were when they left. Some men and women come home broken, in more ways than one. Pieces are lost through their time serving, pieces that cannot be regained. Time, relationships, limbs, lives; they are all lost to keep the rest of us safe and secure. Veteran’s Day is a time to stop what we are doing and take a moment to remember the people who gave their lives so that you could live yours: freely, safely, happily. In summation, we thank our veterans, past and present, for their time and bravery in service.