Bottom row, Left to Right: Thea Kolden, Nehemiah Caffey, Truett Richards. Middle row, Left to Right: Rachel Steen, Hope Sperr, Alexis Lhotka, Avery Frank Top row, Left to Right: Kylen Running Hawk, Luci Bransel, Emily Hamm, Hailey Lesmeister Not pictured: Travis Fults and Kaitlyn Romberger
Despite having all sports and MSHSL activities put under many different regulations, the Morris Area High School One-Act cast is excited about their upcoming competition. The auditions for the One-Act play were held before Thanksgiving break through zoom. The cast then spent the remainder of 2020 holding their rehearsals on zoom. After winter break, the cast and crew were finally able to meet up in-person to rehearse on an amazing set built by Derek Johnson. This year, One-Act director Kelly White chose a show with a smaller cast and decided to have understudies for all the leads. During Covid, it is especially important to have understudies because you never know when one of the cast members could be quarantined and unable to perform.
Other changes to the One-Act competition have been coming in since the cast started rehearsing. In a “normal” year, an MSHSL One-Act competition typically follows the following format: A cast (and crew) of 20 people or less plus director(s) prepares a show that is under 35 minutes with a set that must fit into a 10-by-10 foot area. The set must be set up in less than 10 minutes. Other rules include no edible food, liquids, braking or smashing objects; no “sprays, straw, glitter, confetti, sawdust, baby powder, cornstarch, etc.”; “no live or dead animals”; no curtain calls; no filming during competition; no firearms or live ammunition; no fireworks or any type of flame; no smoke machines; and no audience interaction during performances.
This year, many of these rules have been changed or adjusted. Social distancing during rehearsals is recommended and performers must wear their masks, but are allowed to remove them when speaking. As for rules, involving the set, that have been changed, the set for a One-Act play can be already set up before a performance. For performances, schools participating in the competition have two options: a recording of an in-person production or a recorded virtual production (done through zoom or other video platforms), and both formats must be filmed without spectators. MAHS has decided that this year they will be doing an in-person recording for their performance. All recordings submitted must be unedited, but are allowed to have a title slide and the 35 minute time limit for the competition remains. Three judges will have 48 hours to review, critique, and rank the performances. For the subsections competition on January 30th, a recording of a virtual awards ceremony will be sent out to One-Act directors. This video announces the top four shows that will move on to the sections tournament the following week. Break a leg, MAHS One-Act team!
One-Act Rules and Guidelines: